Exercise Plan: How To Choose The Right Level Of Activity For You

You cannot underestimate the impact of physical features on your overall health and well-being. With the ever-increasing heart problems and weight-related issues, we all want to get fitter and lose weight. It is, however, easier said than done. Physical fitness requires a lot of effort and perseverance if you’re going to achieve your set goals. It would help if you also were disciplined to stick to your physical fitness plan.

However, you don’t just wake up one day and decide to lift weights or run 10 km every day. You have to plan everything and take it in your stride if you want to reach your goal without impacting your health. Because of this, you need to know the level of physical activity you can sustain when you start working out and upgrade as your fitness levels increase.

This article will give you some tips on determining the level of physical activity you should start with so you don’t strain your body.

Know Your Fitness Level

Deciding to get fit is a step in the right direction. However, you don’t just dive into the deep end. You have to consider several things, such as some factors that may stop you from achieving your fitness goal, like health problems. If that is the case, talk to your doctor so you can come up with a personalized fitness plan. Since strength and balance deteriorate as you grow older, they can limit your ability to work out. It also makes it easier for you to get dangerous and extends the healing process. A little caution and guidance can, however, help to improve these. 

Test Your Fitness Level

Basic fitness depends on four different factors: muscle strength, flexibility, muscle endurance, and cardiovascular endurance. Test yourself to determine the aspects of fitness where you are fit and where you need to improve. To determine your pulse rate, place your middle finger and index on the side of the neck and count for 10 seconds. Multiply the number by 6 to determine your heart rate.

You can determine your muscular strength by counting the number of push-ups you can do until you cannot take any more in the correct form. 

Make a Plan and Set Fitness Goals

You can motivate yourself further by having a plan for your fitness program. You can choose to go at it on your own or seek outside help. Understand your fitness goals, what you want to achieve from the fitness program, and how you will achieve them. Deciding to get fit does not cover the specific purpose you want to achieve. It is not a measurable goal, making it harder for you to determine how successful your fitness program is. Having more specific goals such as wanting to lose 5 kg in a month or gaining the ability to run for 30 minutes every four days a week makes it easier for you to know when you have achieved your goal.

Write the plan on a piece of paper and stick it where you will see it every morning. The professionals at WorkoutHQ recommend that you work with a personal trainer to ensure that you use their ideal form when exercising. They can also help you choose the proper exercise for your fitness level and one that can help you achieve your specific goals.

Choose Exercises You Enjoy

Cardio is the backbone of physical fitness. When you do cardio exercises, you push big muscle groups in your body, increase your heart rate and take faster and deeper breaths. Cardio exercises help strengthen the heart, burn calories and improve endurance. They can also enhance the mood and quality of sleep. Some of the best examples of cardio exercises are running, swimming, rowing, dancing, and bicycling. Martial arts and golf also qualify as cardio exercises.

You should preferably go for exercise as you enjoy but make sure your body can handle the physical strain. For instance, running puts too much pressure on the feet and knees, so you may want to choose a different exercise if you have bad knees. You may also want to have various activities because you will exercise regularly. You can play soccer on one day and go out for a ride on your bike or swim on the other days. 

Start Slowly

If you set a goal to complete at least 150 minutes of moderate activity every week, you do not have to get it all done in two or three sessions. Spread it across your workout schedule. When exercising, you should not strain to engage in a conversation. If you do, your heart rate is exceptionally high. When getting started, you should stick to an average of 30 minutes of activity every day and increase the workout periods as you get fitter.

Physical fitness is not something you will achieve overnight, so you have to be patient and work through it gradually. You can determine the right level of activity by understanding your fitness level and testing it. You should also plan, set goals for your fitness, choose exercises you love and enjoy and take things slowly. 

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