Successful Weight Loss Isn’t All Roses

When you paid the Anytime Fitness for membership, your goal may have safe and effective weight loss through consistent exercise, among others. But when you finally lost weight, you still don’t feel happy about yourself, perhaps not even feeling healthy.

What went wrong? Sadly, successful weight loss isn’t the bed of roses most people envision it to be! Many people say that they don’t recognize themselves anymore, or they face other body image issues like loose skin and stretch marks, or they struggle with the attention including the comments and compliments. Fortunately, there are ways of overcoming these new issues.

Downsides of Weight Loss

What were your reasons for weight loss? It’s an important question to ask yourself since your reasons will have an effect on your feelings after a successful weight loss.

If your motivations included a healthier mind and body, as well as to improve your endurance, strength and flexibility, then you’re more likely to enjoy a great transition from being overweight to being fit. If you were motivated by external pressures, body comparisons, and/or ideals of beauty, then you’re more likely to run into problems later on.

Indeed, there’s a reason why personal trainers at Anytime Fitness gyms emphasize the importance of being on a weight loss program for the right reasons. You have to do it for yourself first! You may also have reasons like living longer for your family, especially for your children, but your reasons should center on your own desire to be healthier.

Keep in mind that being happy about yourself – who and what you are as well as your goals, aspirations and achievements – starts with yourself. Even if you become slimmer and sexier, you may still have body image issues because you’re just not comfortable in your own skin. Perhaps, you even used your overweight body as a shield from making adult choices, from dealing with criticisms, and even from enjoying life to the fullest.

Dealing with Post-Weight Loss Issues

Fortunately, you can take back control over your body and your body image! Yes, there will likely be mental and emotional struggles along the way toward body acceptance. But if you were able to conquer the challenges of weight loss, then you will be able to triumph over your post-weight loss issues, too.

  • Strive for realistic expectations. You can’t aim for body perfection – that’s an illusion – but you can strive for body acceptance.
  • Say your positive affirmations when you’re in doubt about your body in particular and yourself in general. Write them down and post the in places where you can see them, if necessary.
  • Meditate, a practice that will make you feel more grounded and centered, as well as calm and in control.
  • Believe that you are a unique person and that nobody else can be you.
  • Keep a gratitude diary of the things you have been blessed with including good health even with a few pounds, scars and stretch marks.
  • Give yourself some slack. You achieved your goal of weight loss and you deserve a pat on the back for it, especially from yourself.
  • Give yourself time to adjust to your new body. You can rush these things just as much as you can’t rush weight loss.

In the end, your body is yours and you have to accept it no matter its weight for you to be happy! If you’re still struggling with weight loss, then you may want to enroll in a local Anytime Fitness gym. We promise you that the Anytime Fitness prices are affordable and membership has numerous perks.

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