How Long Should My Workouts Be?

How Long Should My Workouts Be?

Often, gym goers ask “How long should my workouts be?”

The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The perfect workout duration varies from person to person. But by considering several factors, you can gauge the ideal length for your sweat sessions.

Your Fitness Level

If you’re a novice, jumping headfirst into hour-long daily workouts could potentially do more harm than good. Pushing your body beyond its limits before finding a comfortable rhythm may lead to injuries or burnout. It’s advisable to start with shorter workouts lasting no more than 30 minutes. As you gradually build strength, you can extend the duration by a few minutes each week.

Workout Intensity

While workout duration is important, it’s not the sole consideration. You must also factor in the intensity of your exercises. The duration of your workout should align with the intensity level. For example, maintaining a brisk walk on the treadmill for 40 minutes is suitable, while sprinting at maximum effort for the same duration is unfeasible.

Before committing to lengthy gym sessions, contemplate the types of exercises you plan to include. Many fitness enthusiasts opt for high-intensity, shorter workouts on weekdays when time is limited, reserving longer durations for low-intensity sessions on weekends.

Variety and Balance

Health and exercise experts unanimously recommend diversifying your workout routine in terms of type, intensity, and duration. By regularly changing your exercise regimen, you can minimize the risk of injury, strengthen various muscle groups, and stave off boredom and burnout.

At the beginning of each week, plan alternating longer and shorter workouts.

For instance, you might alternate between 40-minute and 20-minute gym sessions at Workout Anytime, with at least one rest day per week. Remember, it’s not necessary to maintain the same intensity during every session. Some days can be dedicated solely to low-impact activities, such as walking on the treadmill.

Rest and Recovery

Ever noticed people at the gym seemingly standing around? They are actually taking rest periods between sets, which is vital for proper strength training. Many weightlifting exercises require additional downtime for preparation, recovery, and rest. Consequently, a 40-minute weightlifting session might only involve 20 minutes of actual exercise.

If your workout includes multiple strength-training exercises or weightlifting with various pieces of equipment, allocate at least 10 extra minutes to your scheduled workout period. This additional time allows for stretching, rest, recovery between sets, and the maintenance of equipment. It encompasses tasks like collecting, assembling, adjusting, sanitizing, disassembling, and returning everything to its proper place.

Prioritizing Health

No doubt everyone has commitments beyond the gym, such as family and career responsibilities. While these obligations are significant, investing in your health should be equally valued. If necessary, you can slightly truncate your workout to accommodate other commitments. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlight that even 10-minute workouts can have a positive impact on your health.

Every effort contributes to your overall well-being. Remember, your fitness journey is unique, and finding the right workout duration that aligns with your goals, fitness level, and schedule is a personal endeavor.

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