The Right Way to Reset Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the process of converting food into ATP, the energy currency of the body. It is used to fuel:

  • Physiological functions in the body such as breathing, blood circulation, food digestion, nutrient absorption, and others.
  • Physiological reactions such as DNA synthesis, brain signaling and RNA transcription.
  • Physical activities such as exercise.
  • Physiological activities such as immune response.

A person may have fast or slow metabolism. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) refers to the amount of calories a person needs for their body to carry out the physiological functions, mentioned above. The resting metabolic rate (RMR)  is the number of calories the body burns at rest.

Your metabolic rate is impacted by several factors like genetics, sex, age, muscle mass, thyroid function, nutrition, stress levels, physical activity, and others.

Some people complain that they have slow metabolism which means they tend to gain weight even if they don’t necessarily overeat. They have difficulty shedding pounds even if they exercise. The truth of the matter is that there is no single solution to one’s metabolism. However, there are several things you can do (lifestyle changes and healthy habits) that can reset your metabolism.

1. Always be properly hydrated.

Something as simple as drinking water can actually reset your metabolism. Water is important for proper metabolic reactions at the cellular level. Drinking sufficient amounts of water daily will also trigger thermogenesis, a process that could boost your metabolism by about 30%.

2. Eat nutritious meals.

Make sure your foods have a balance of macro and micronutrients. It should have complex carbs like whole grains, healthy fats and lean protein. As much as possible, have more of plant-based meals, herbs and spices to balance out your blood sugar, promote satiety and boost fat metabolism.

Prioritizing complex carbs (e.g., whole grains, legumes, fruit, fibrous or starchy veggies), lean protein (e.g., fish, poultry, legumes, nuts, seeds), healthy fats (e.g., olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, fatty fish), and lots and lots of plant foods (which are packed with fiber and phytonutrients), herbs, and spices in your daily snacks and meals will help promote satiety, blood sugar balance, healthy lipid levels, and fat metabolism.

3. Try fasting.

If you go for long periods without food, it will prompt your cells to do a reboot. Fasting pushes your body to get rid of damaged cells, burn fat and boost mitochondrial activity in the cells. As long as you’re not sick, underweight or malnourished, try to do occasional fasting.

4. Exercise!

Moving more is good for your body and will help improve your metabolism. Add more workouts and exercises to your weekly routine even if it means just doing 15-20 minutes of exercise a day. If you have time, you can enroll in group classes in gyms like Powerhouse Gym. Or even try stretching and yoga. Experts also recommend strength training at least twice a week to burn more calories and improve your metabolism.

6. Get enough sleep.

Your sleep routine affects your metabolic wellness. Quality sleep has been found to promote greater fat loss in overweight adults. Sleep also helps your body fight stress, maintain hormone balance and aid in various metabolic processes.

Watch this video to know the relationship between sleep and weight loss:

The Science Behind Sleep and Weight Loss

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