How to Exercise Regularly Even with a Busy Schedule?

How to Exercise Regularly Even with a Busy Schedule?

We all know that maintaining a regular exercise routine is good for you. Unfortunately, when faced with a lot of work and family obligations, exercise often takes a backseat. If the nearest 24 Hour Fitness gym is 30 minutes away, this makes it even more difficult to find time to workout right?

But there are ways to incorporate exercise into your busy routine, and we’ve listed some of them below:

Try Active Commuting

If your workplace or school is within a reasonable distance, consider commuting by bicycle or walk instead. Recent research conducted by the American College of Cardiology reveals that engaging in an hour of physical activity each day lowers the risk of developing life-threatening diseases. Cycling or walking to work, class, or the grocery store not only promotes fitness but also offers a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution to your daily commute.

Do Short Yet Effective Workouts

There’s no need to spend 1-2 hours at the gym to get the results you want. Even 20-30 minutes of physical activity such as running on the treadmill or doing yoga, will do. Focus on quality over quantity.

Maximize Leisure Time

After a long day in the office, you’ll want nothing more than to watch your favorite show on Netflix with a glass of wine in one hand. But you can do better. You can do yoga or resistance training in living room, while watching your favorite show.

Embrace the Buddy System

Having a buddy system can help you commit to a regular exercise schedule as this fosters accountability. Invite a friend to work out with you 2-3x a week and chances are, you’ll be able to stick to this routine.

Use Short Breaks Wisely

No matter if you work in an office or at home, you should have a habit of taking short breaks every hour. Even a 5-minute stretch or walk around your work area can help prevent chronic ailments and improve blood circulation.

Being able to fit in some exercise into your busy schedule is not rocket science. It’s about making small but important changes in your routine and being able to do it on a consistent basis.

Here’s a beginner-friendly HIIT workout you can do in 9 minutes:

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