Best Home Gym Equipment You Can Buy

Best Home Gym Equipment You Can Buy

Having gym equipment at home is always a good idea if you’re planning to start an active lifestyle. With a home gym, it will be harder to skip a workout. And while you may have to shell out a bit of money upfront, it’s still a more cost-effective option in the long run. No gym memberships to pay and you won’t have to worry about the cost of driving to and from the gym.

But one of the few questions you need to ask is, what fitness equipment should you buy? There are a wide range of options available – from high-end smart workout equipment, treadmills, rowing machines, squat racks, weight stacks, ellipticals, exercise balls, resistance bands, weights, foam rollers, kettlebells, dumbbells and a whole lot more.

No matter your fitness goal, whether it’s to lose weight, maintain weight, get your heart rate up, build muscle or simply to have a healthy body, you can definitely achieve it with the help of the right gym equipment.

Is a Home Gym Worth It?

Depending on where you live, a gym membership can cost anywhere between $30 to 150 per month. You also have to spend money on workout outfits, a gym bag, some workout shoes, water bottles, and any other accessories you’d like to have. Then there’s also the cost of eating a post workout meal.  If the nearest gym is 10 miles away, you may have to spend half an hour commuting back and forth, on a regular traffic hour. So if this is the case, then it definitely makes sense to have your own home gym. You’ll be able to:

  • 1. Save money on gym membership fees.
  • 2. Save time commuting.
  • 3. You can workout anytime.
  • 4. You don’t have to wait in line for your turn in crowded gyms.
  • 5. If you have kids, working out around them will instill in them the importance of staying fit.

That said, here are our recommendations for the best home gym equipment:

TRX All-in-one Suspension Training System

This trainer approved system can be attached to any door, outdoor post or rafter. With it you can master the “foundational moves” of TRX which target the core and resistance training. It comes with an exercise guide and a workout list which is available on the TRX website.

FitCord X-Over Resistance Band

These resistance bands pack a punch as far as longevity is concerned. The material is dipped latex and has a scrunched nylon sleeve to protect it when using outdoors. It has a 55-pound resistance, which is more than enough resistance for an average person.

Manduka Pro Yoga Mat

This is no doubt a pricey mat but the “Cadillac” of yoga mats offers enough grip for fast-paced vinyasa flows and enough cushioning so you workout comfortably on the floor.

NordicTrack Commercial 14.9

If you have a big budget, consider the NordicTrack Commercial 14.9 Elliptical which comes with a 14-inch color touchscreen, an adjustable stride length, oversized cushioned pedals, and Bluetooth compatibility  and auto-adjustment capabilities.

CanDo Black Composite High-Density Roller

This no-frills foam roller is anything but basic. It is firm enough to target soreness and you can use it after a low-impact or high-impact workout, as well as before a workout to prepare your muscles.

Yes4All Vinyl Coated Kettlebell Weight Sets

This set of 6 kettlebells gives you more bang for your buck. Its vinyl coating ensures softer landings and protects it from scratches and damage.

Qwesen Jump Rope

Jumping rope burns calories, improves range of motion, and gets your heart rate up. This tangle-resistant and adjustable jump rope from Qwesen can give you a good cardio for a very low price.

Flybird Adjustable Bench

This customizable foldable bench has 4 seat positions, 6 back positions, and the option to lay completely flat. Weight capacity is 500 lbs and comfortable to use.

If you have only $500 to spend on a home gym, then watch this video:

How to BUILD a $500 HOME GYM on AMAZON

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