3-Point Skin Fold Bodyfat Calculator

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To attain good health and be fit, one must observe proper diet and eat the least of what is considered bad food. It is also a necessity to move, stretch, and heave the muscles and pump the heart on a regular basis to burn those extra fat.

It is ideal, however, to know how you have progressed along the way or know beforehand the extent of your body fat before immersing into the rigors of exercise and the painful sacrifices to make in refraining those greasy burgers and salty fries.

There are many ways to know your body fat but all of which can not be a good measure by itself. Further, each method of determination has its upside as well as its downside. It is therefore a recommendation by specialist that a combination of methods is the best to come up to the closest estimate.

One of the method you can try is the Jackson-Pollock 3-point Skin Fold Body Fat. Research scholars Dr. Andrew Jackson and M.L. Pollock developed this simple method back in the mid70’s. With just a skinfold caliper, a bathroom scale, and their own formula for calculation.
With details aside, and differing from each gender, the 3 points to be considered for Men are the: pectoral, abdominal, and thigh. For Women, it is the tricep, supriliac, and thigh. Each gender also has its own formulas.