3 Alphabet Vitamins You Should Consider Taking As Supplements

Of course, a healthy, balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and fatty fishes, and nuts and seeds is a must for every individual, especially the everyday athlete battling it out with their flab at Fit Body Boot Camp. But taking dietary supplements along with such a diet is also recommended because these enhance the diet’s benefits.  

Vitamin B12

This is an important vitamin for optimum brain and nerve function, as well as in the production of red blood cells. It is then a crucial nutrient for athletes since the production of red blood cells is closely linked to energy production and metabolism.

It also affects power and strength performance mainly by protecting the sheath covering the nerve fibers. When these nerve fibers are changed, their signal transmission becomes interrupted and the muscular function is adversely affected.

People with a diet rich in animal products may not require Vitamin B12 supplementation. But vegetarians and vegans are well-advised take Vitamin B12 supplements because these aren’t present in high quantities in plant-based foods.  

Tip: Take 1,000 mcg o 1 mg daily.

Vitamin C

This is known for its effectiveness in reducing the symptoms of seasonal colds including the reduction of cold duration. But it works best as a preventive measure and when taken at the beginning of a cold, not when the cold is in progress.

For athletes, cold prevention is of crucial importance for obvious reasons. If you’re an everyday athlete who pumps iron three or more times a week, you don’t want to become afflicted with the common cold one time too many.

You will also benefit from Vitamin C supplementation since the antioxidant protects your body from oxidative stress. When you train, your body is exposed to oxidative stress so the more protection you have, the better your performance and recovery.   

Tip: Ask your doctor if you can take 2,000 mg if you’re an athlete. Otherwise, 100-200 mg is sufficient if you have a balanced diet.

Vitamin D

This is a must for athletes who live in the city where sun exposure isn’t as much as recommended for Vitamin D production. The sun is, in fact, the best source of Vitamin D for the body and sun exposure is the best way for the body to absorb it.

If you walk 30 minutes a day during the early morning hours, you should be fine and skip the supplements. But if you can’t do it, then take a Vitamin D supplement.

By the way, Vitamin D is important in the absorption of phosphate and calcium, both of which are important in building strong healthy bones and in the prevention of bone loss and diseases.  

Tip: Choose a Vitamin D3 supplement and take 1,000-2,000 IU daily.

Again, a healthy, balanced diet is a must even when you are on a dietary supplementation program.  

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