What Fitness Classes Are Most Effective for Weight Loss?

What Fitness Classes Are Most Effective for Weight Loss?

If you want to stay motivated and have some variety in your workout routine, you’re probably considering joining fitness classes. There are many fitness classes in gyms that you can choose from. But if your goal is to lose weight, it’s important to choose the right classes that are effective for fat-burning and toning.

Here are some of the most effective gym classes that can help you achieve your weight loss goals. Depending on your schedule, you can start with 1-2 classes per week or even join a class everyday.

Spin Classes

Spin classes are a popular choice for a reason. A 45-minute spin session can burn 500 calories or more and usually these classes involve a combination of recovery periods, sprint intervals and hill climbs. Not only do spin classes boost fat burning but is a great way to help you build leg power and strength while keeping your heart health in optimum condition.

If it’s your first time to join a spin class, just make sure to adjust your bike seat to hip height and your leg should have a slight bend in the knee at the pedal’s lowest point. Doing so helps ensure your comfort and prevent injuries.

Boxing Classes

Boxing classes are more of upper body conditioning and lasts about an hour. You’ll be working on punching bags, agility and speed drills, as well as pad work. These classes are great for helping you achieve a toned physique and improve your cardiovascular health.

It may seem difficult at first but you will learn to enjoy your boxing workouts and before you know it, you’ll have a lean and mean body in no time.

Kettlebell Classes

In a lot of gyms kettlebell classes are comprised of continuous movements like lifts, swings and presses which are great for strength building and toning, while also raising your heart rate. What’s great about kettlebell classes is that you’re working on multiple muscles at the same time. For example, the kettlebell swing works on your core, upper body and lower body. Most kettlebell classes last 30 minutes.

HIIT Classes

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) classes are effective for fat burning. If an HIIT class exceeds 30 minutes, it’s likely too long and you could get injured. On the other hand, properly designed HIIT sessions can help you burn a lot of calories and keep your heart in tip top shape.


BodyStep classes are a favorite of many, offering full-body cardio workouts designed by Les Mills. It combines basic step movements with high-intensity exercises like push-ups, burpees and weight plate workouts. You can burn up to 600 calories per class.


Zumba is great for weight loss. It’s a high-intensity cardio which enables you to burn between 600 to 1,000 calories in a single class (1 hr). Not only that, Zumba is a full-body workout that engages multiple muscle groups at the same time enabling you to build lean muscle mass and shed the excess weight. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest.

How Many Fitness Classes Should You Take Each Week?

The current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans suggest that to maintain your weight, you should engage in at least two full-body strength training sessions and about 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity weekly. If your aerobic exercises are more intense, you can spend less time on them and still achieve the same benefits if not more.

For those aiming to lose weight, the advice is simply to do “more” than the baseline recommendations. Nutrition plays a crucial role in this process, and the specifics of how much effort you put into it depend on your weight loss goals.

While participating in group workouts will lead to great results, having a personalized program can help you achieve your goals more efficiently.

So, how many classes should you take each week?

The answer largely depends on how your body feels. You are the best judge of that! Regularly check in with yourself to ensure you’re not overtraining and that you’re incorporating enough rest days.

  • Are you feeling sore? (Is it the good kind of soreness or an indication of a potential injury?)
  • Are you experiencing irritability or fatigue? (This might be due to lack of sleep, but it could also signal overtraining.)
  • Have you incorporated stretching? (Mobility and stretching are essential.)
  • Do you feel like you need a break? (If so, take one!)
  • Are you eager to add an extra class this week? (If yes, go for it!)

For beginners, starting with 2-3 classes a week might be ideal. However, as your endurance improves, you might find that attending five to six—or even more—sessions each week can help you achieve your goals a lot quicker.

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