Preventing Running Injuries

Preventing Running Injuries

Running regularly is a great way to get healthy, but you do run the risk of injuries. These can range from blisters and ankle sprains to runner’s knee, shin splints, and stress fractures. So, you really should try your best to avoid these injuries in the first place.

Here are some tips that can help reduce the risks of running injuries:

Talk to A Trainer

Even a single session can offer a lifetime of benefits, as you can get more tips on how to run safely. The trainer can also help with your running plan that will take your current fitness level and abilities into account, so you can achieve your fitness goals efficiently and safely. By having a running plan, you can keep yourself from overdoing your running that can lead to injuries.

Wear the Right Clothes

Your clothing should be breathable and lightweight, made with materials that wick away the moisture from your skin. If it’s too sunny or too cold, wear a hat. Dress in layers as well, so that you can adjust your clothing to the weather.

In fact, you should monitor the weather conditions first before you even start running. 

Wear the Right Shoes

Start with shoes that are marketed as “running” shoes, and not basketball shoes or hiking shoes. They have to fit you properly as well. If you have certain foot issues such as high arches or flat feet, then you might need orthotic shoe inserts.

Wear your new shoes gradually, so that your feet can get used to the shoes. Wear socks with a double layer. If you have issues with plantar fasciitis, wear appropriate shoes all the time, even when you’re at home.

When your shoes have become angled or have worn thin, then you need new shoes.

Warmup and Stretch First

Start with a warmup for about 5 minutes before you stretch (and definitely before you run). Even stretching can lead to injuries if you’re stretching cold muscles. So, start with a bit of walking first.

Then do some stretches that focus on your quadriceps, groin, hamstrings, and calf. Do these stretches before and after you run. Not enough stretching can lead to injuries.

Run Safe

You have to take your fitness ability into account. So, if you’re a newbie, only run on a flat, smooth surface. If you’re running on a treadmill at your local Planet Fitness gym, make sure you know how to operate the machine safely. You might want a trainer to help guide you as well.

Run in well-lit areas. If you’re running outdoors, wear a light so you can be seen by vehicles and cyclists. It’s best if you don’t wear headphones, but if you need music then keep the volume down so you can hear any danger approaching.

It’s great if you can run with a group, or even with just another partner. Keep your ID and your phone with you in case of emergency. And don’t run in unsafe neighborhoods or lonely parks, especially at night.

Stay Hydrated

On the days you’re running, add an extra 1.5 to 2.5 cups of water to your normal daily water consumption. And if you’re running for more than an hour, you should go with a sports drink that can replenish your lost electrolytes.

Do Other Types of Training

Include some ab exercises and weightlifting into your routine. Developing your core strength and enhancing your muscle strength helps with your running as well.

You can also do some biking or swimming, or even a few games of tennis. Mixing up your fitness routine can prevent you from injuries due to overuse of the same muscles and joints, when you keep on just running each time.

Don’t Ignore the Pain

You have to be aware of what you’re feeling, and you’ve got to listen to what your body is telling you. If you’re feeling some pain, deal with it. And if you’re feeling pain in the same joint or muscle, or if the pain isn’t getting better with rest, see your doctor.

How to Stay Safe While Running and Walking

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