Percentage Body Fat Calculator

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To stay fit and healthy, one must control the diet and get busy with exercise. It is the accepted truth everybody knows whether to decrease the waist or cut down the flab in your arms. 

Exercise is just consistency on a regular basis to attain sweat. Diet needs a little bit more nudge specially if one is passing through the supermarket aisle. But how do we know one has arrived at where one should be in terms of fitness and health?

In this time and age, whenever you go to a healthcare professional, they always would refer to your chart and measure your body mass index, or BMI, and your body fat percentage. With these determined for you, a pathway is open for you to evaluate and monitor your overall health. 

BMI can be done by yourself and there are guides to follow readily available in the internet. Body fat, however, has more expensive equipment needed that are not that really accurate such as: hydrostatic weighing, 3-D body scanners, etc.

Skinfold calipers can have results closer to the target. You can do this by your self or by a trained professional and must be done not only once.

Women’s Ideal Body Fat Percentage

  • 20 – 39 Years Old………….. 14-20%
  • 40 – 59 …………………….. 23-33%
  • 60 – 70 …………………….. 24-35%

Men’s Ideal Body Fat Percentage

  • 20 – 39 Years Old………….. 8-19%
  • 40 -59………………………. 11-21%
  • 60 – 79………………………  13-24%