Motivation Starts With You

While a personal trainer at a David Barton gym of your choice will provide the inspirational example to complete your workout, keep in mind that the best motivation starts within yourself. You should be your own best friend, exercise buddy, and motivator in one!

You may have off days when hitting the gym just seems like a chore – and it’s normal to feel this way, too – but sooner or later, you have to get up, go to the gym, and start getting the fit body you want. You can keep these tips in self-motivation in mind when you feel lazier than usual.  

Start the Day with a Positive Mindset

Instead of getting out of bed dreading your gym workout with your personal trainer, you can focus on more positive thoughts, such as your date with your family and friends. You will be more likely to consider your gym time as just another part of an enjoyable day unfolding.  You may even want to think about the adrenaline rush and, thus, the feeling of wellness after exercising.  

Begin Your Exercise at Home

Who says that exercise should only be done in a gym? You can start at home – wake up, get 5 grams of BCAAs or leucine, and perform cardio exercises for at least 15 minutes before hitting the shower. Your body will be primed for more strenuous physical activities later in the day. Just be sure to keep your heart rate at 75%, maximum, to get the most benefits from your first exercise session of the day.   

Remove Your Distractions

While in the gym, you should remove distractions that will take minutes off your workout. You have to stop fiddling with your phone, checking your emails, and even watching the movie on the screen. Just put on your headset, play your favorite workout playlist, and perform your exercises, which will mean making every minute in the gym and every movement count.

When you feel like being a couch potato for the day, you can do so especially as your body requires rest to recover from the microscopic tears that it has been subjected to during strength training exercises. But you have to avoid making it a daily habit since you will be losing the gains you have achieved in the past months of being a dedicated exerciser.

As the saying goes, rest if you must but you must never quit – and it applies to your exercise program. Besides, no other person will benefit the most from being a motivated exerciser than yourself so have another go at it!  

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