Fitness in Your 40s and Beyond: Tips for Midlife Wellness

Fitness in Your 40s and Beyond: Tips for Midlife Wellness

Getting older often means wrinkles, gray hair, and weight gain. It also means there are things we can no longer do as easily as we used to. When we were young, we could carry 4 bags of groceries from our car to the kitchen without breaking a sweat. But nowadays, we get breathless before we even reach the front door.

But just because we have reached our 40s and 50s it doesn’t mean we can no longer be fit or strong. In fact, it’s all the more important for us to prioritize our wellness. Here are a few things you should work on.

Aerobic Exercise

As we age, the risk of heart disease increases. Although men are more susceptible to heart attacks, it is crucial for women to prioritize heart health too.

A study conducted in 2018 demonstrated that adults in their 40s and 50s who engaged in physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day in the course of 2 years improved their fitness levels significantly.

Aim for 30 minutes of aerobic exercise (brisk walking, running, cycling, or dancing) a day and slowly increase the duration and intensity of your workouts. Incorporate the following:

  • One session of high-intensity aerobic exercise
  • 2-3 days of moderate-intensity exercise
  • At least one strength training session
  • At least one longer session of aerobic exercise

Resistance Training

We become more prone to bone fractures in our 40s due to less estrogen. Women are particularly susceptible to osteoporosis. Be sure to add specific exercises into your routine that can help strengthen your muscles, which, in turn, can prevent falls and fractures.

One beneficial exercise is called the toe-heel raise, which is great at strengthening the lower legs and improving balance. You do this exercise by standing up straight and holding a chair. Rise on your toes and go back down. Then rock back on to your heels and lower back down. Do this exercise 10x per set.

Add More Movement

People tend to feel lonely and anxious as they get older. But research has shown that aerobic exercise can alleviate these symptoms by triggering the release of endorphins, which improves mood. Aim for more movements daily like jogging, swimming, gardening, dancing or walking to uplift your mood.

Interval Training

The years leading up to menopause, known as perimenopause, bring about hormonal changes that trigger irregular periods, hot flashes, sleeping problems, weight gain and others. Cardiovascular exercise can aid in weight management or weight loss. But you can do more than just cardio workouts.

Interval training involves alternating between low/moderate intensity exercise and short bursts of higher intensity. For example, you can walk for 10 minutes and then run for 2 minutes. Then walk again for 10, and run again for 2. Research emphasizes the importance of exercise during and after menopause to maintain overall well-being during this life stage.

Getting a gym membership from Anytime Fitness could be one of your best investments in your 40s.

Learn more about Strength Training for Men Over 40 here:

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