A Short Guide To The German Volume Training Program

It might be daunting for beginner weightlifters to gain muscle mass due to the number of workout programs available online. Some prefer sticking out with the program posted on the walls of a gym (if they’re lucky), while some turn to professional coaching. Others rely on the internet to provide them.

Luckily, we’ve prepared a tried and true workout program for individuals wanting legitimate results backed by science. Here is German Volume Training explained.

10×10 Workout Program

The German Volume Training (GVT), also known as the 10×10 workout, is a bodybuilding program designed to gain muscle mass quickly. The name was coined by Canadian bodybuilder and fitness coach Charles Poliquin. As the name suggests, this workout program had its origins in Germany.

The German Volume Training is a workout program that relies on maximum effort. This workout program is for people who have done exercises regularly but have not stepped into a gym yet. The training program requires at least a good strength foundation.

The workouts are composed of doing 10 reps in 10 sets of your current workout rotation. For example, if you’re targeting chest muscles for Monday, then that means doing 10 sets of 10 reps of bench presses. The rest between each set should only last a maximum of 90 seconds.

Nobody perfects the GVT on their first try, as the GVT is almost crossing Crossfit/HIIT territory when it comes to intensity. You may find yourself winded out and needing more rest time at the 5th or 6th set. That’s okay – as long as you get to the 10th set – since the objective of the GVT is workload completion.

Trainees under these programs have seen massive increments in their gains. Muscle mass increases in as little as a month of working out. This training program takes advantage of the hypertrophy principle with an emphasis on rest times.

Program Specifics

The weight needed for the GVT is based on your one-rep max. The one-rep max is the heaviest weight you can lift once. You will be using 60% of the 1RM for your GVT workouts.

The German Volume Training follows what is famously called in the bodybuilding industry a “bro-split”. This means you start Mondays with chest and triceps workouts, followed by Tuesdays with Back and Biceps. The third day is a rest day, and the following day is reserved for training the shoulders and legs. 

The fifth day usually involves less targeted areas like forearms and calves, and some areas missed out on the first two days. The general pattern for workouts will be 2 days of training then a day of rest. This allows your body enough time to recover.

Weight progression is required on GVT. Using your 1RM as a basis, you should increase your current load by 5% each week, or once a complete rotation of the “bro-split” is done. Consult with your local coach at gyms like 9 Round and Blink Fitness for safety.

Since this program requires intense sets, the nutrition required for recovery is equally demanding. Just like most bodybuilding routines, you will expect to eat more calories than usual, with emphasis on proteins and carbohydrates. Rest is also important, with 8 hours of sleep as the ideal target.

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