9 Good Reasons to Eat More Protein

9 Good Reasons to Eat More Protein

Many studies suggest that a diet rich in protein has major benefits for metabolic health and weight loss. This probably explains why many fit and healthy individuals working out in gyms like Life Time Fitness bring protein shakes with them. Here are the main reasons why you should consider eating more protein:

1. It reduces hunger levels and appetite.

Out of the 3 macronutrients (fat, carbs and protein), protein is by far the most filling. It

lowers your level of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and increases peptide YY, the fullness hormone. In one study of overweight women, it was found that boosting their protein intake from 15% to 30% of calories made them eat 441 fewer calories daily.

2. It boosts strength and muscle mass.

Protein is needed in the growth, development and recovery of muscles. Eating sufficient amounts of protein allows your body to maintain muscle mass and promotes growth during strength training. If you’re lifting weights, trying to gain muscle, or simply want to improve your physique, be sure you’re getting enough protein.

3. It’s beneficial to your bones.

A lot of long-term studies show that protein has major benefits for bone health and those who consume a protein-rich diet tend to maintain bone mass better as they grow old.

4. It reduces the desire for late night snacking.

Cravings can be incredibly difficult to control and one of the best prevention methods is to consume more protein. By having more protein in your diet, cravings and late-night snacking can be mediated by improving the function of dopamine.

5. It increases fat burning and boosts metabolism.

Protein has a much higher thermic effect (20 – 35%) than the other two macros – fat and carbs. By consuming more protein, you could burn an extra 80 to 100 calories a day. Newer studies suggest the numbers are high than this. In one study, the group that consumed a high-protein diet burned 260 more calories per day than the other groups.

6. It lowers blood pressure.

High blood pressure can cause stroke, heart attack and kidney disease. Protein has been found to lower systolic blood pressure by an average of 1.76 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 1.15 mm Hg.

7. It aids in weight loss.

High-protein diets increases metabolism, reduces appetite and lowers cravings. It can definitely help you in your weight loss journey. But losing weight is just the start. The difficult part is keeping the weight off. If you want to maintain a healthy weight, consider making a permanent increase in the amount of protein you consume.

8. It aids in the repair and recovery of cells, tissues and organs.

Protein is the main building block of cells, tissues and organs. Eating more protein after injury can improve recovery times.

9. It helps you stay fit as you grow older.

As you grow older, your muscles weaken and you lose muscle tone. Age-related sarcopenia also causes bone fractures, frailty and reduced quality of life. By eating more protein, you can reduce muscle deterioration as you get older. But this needs to be supplemented with a healthy diet, an active lifestyle and resistance or weight lifting.

Final Thoughts

Most people already get adequate protein from their diet. But while this may be enough, you can always benefit from adding more protein (up to 25% of your calories). Protein is safe and healthy, and offers many benefits to the body. Whether you want to lose weight, maintain weight, gain muscle mass, boost strength or improve your metabolic health, a protein-rich diet can certainly make all the difference.

Watch this video to learn more about how to make full use of protein to build muscle:

The Smartest Way To Use Protein To Build Muscle (Science Explained)

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