Zac Effron Workout

5 minute read | Published: October 08, 2015 | Updated: August 01, 2024

✅ Human-Crafted & Reviewed

Zac Efron doesn’t just catch the eyes of teenage girls anymore. While the fanbase of this world-famous actor and singer is predominantly made up of young women still, men have taken notice of how beefy Efron looks recently, especially in films like Neighbors and The Lucky One.

So, how does one get the meaty look Efron has, a look typically only seen on seasoned Navy marines? The actor knows there is more than just one way to achieve a ripped physique. After all, this California native worked on his fit appearance many times during the course of his career in showbiz.

The Lucky One

Aside from Neighbors, it’s easy to see he works hard at looking good in films like The Lucky One. The popular star even had to play the role of a marine in The Lucky One and this obviously meant gaining lean muscles over his naturally thin build.

How did he look the part of a marine? It took four months of dedication. By the time he was done, Efron discovered he gained almost 20 pounds of pure muscle and that he had the ability to lift weights he wasn’t able to handle prior to the four-month exercise routine.

The actor’s physique changed so much while training for his role in this film that he told Men’s Health he almost didn’t recognize himself by the time the movie was completely filmed.

Logan Hood, a fitness trainer who was once a Navy Seal, worked with the star for this project. Hood taught Efron a routine that involved power lifting while focusing on the goal of building bulk. It also involves short cardio workouts in order to burn fat. Hood grouped the workouts into three different circuits.

If you’re already physically fit like the actor was when he started training for the movie role then you can try to do all three circuits at the same time. If you’re a beginner, however, you might be able to accomplish just one or two circuits and that’s also fine.

Allow yourself to rest for a minute between each set.

Monday and Thursday: Jog-Run-Jog for 3 sets. Start with 2 minutes, do 6 minutes and finally 2 minutes. Include 3 sets of Dumbbell Bench Presses with 20 reps each set, followed by Dumbbell Flys of 3 sets containing 20 reps each. Finish for the day with Bar Dips of 3 sets, 20 reps each set.

Tuesday and Friday: Jog-Step Up-Jog for 3 sets: Do 2 minutes for the first set, and then 6 minutes followed by 2 minutes for the final set. Next, Forward Lunges with Dumbbell Bicep Curls for 3 sets containing 20 reps each. Follow this by accomplishing Squat Thrusts of 3 sets, also with 20 reps per set. Finish off with Squat Presses (or Push Presses) of 3 sets, 20 reps each set.

Wednesday and Saturday: Stair Climb for 3 sets. For the first set, do it for 2 minutes, and then 6 minutes followed by a 2-minute set. Next, lift 3 sets of Dumbbell Rows with 20 reps per set and follow this with Bent Over Dumbbell Flys of also 3 sets containing 20 reps each. Do more arm work via 3 sets of Dumbbell Lateral Raises with 20 reps per set.


The comedy, written by the famous Andrew Cohen, stars the young actor and comedian Seth Rogen. It shows the handsome celeb looking more well-defined than ever. Many people who’ve seen the movie are left wondering how this cutesy former teen idol got so muscular and ripped.

In the film, Efron has a very lean yet ripped look that shows off awesome abs and muscular yet lean arms. The actor made sure he didn’t build up too much meat in his arms for the role. As a college kid, the character needed to look like a regular Joe, one that spends time in the gym, of course.

The key to accomplishing this look is to do less work for your back and chest. You want to build up strength while adding the right amount of muscle. For shoulders and arms, the celebrity mixed heavy weight lifting with pump training in order to get more muscle size at a swifter rate.

For the abs, if you want to get the hard abs Efron achieved for the film, you will have to work hard a few days each week. Aim for a low body fat of 10 percent or less if you want stomach muscles to show well.

Monday: Work on your arms, back and shoulders by doing Seated DB Shoulder Presses, Pull ups (Chin ups will also do), Skull Crushers, Hammer Curls and Cable Curls.

Wednesday: On this day it’s time to focus on legs and isolating your shoulders. Accomplish this with Sumo Deadlifts, Bulgarian Split Squats, Calf Raises, Lateral Raises and Bent Over Flyes.

Friday: Work on your arms and chest on this day. Start with Incline Bench Presses then do Flat Bench Presses, Barbell Curls, Cable Rope Push Downs and Cable Rope Curls.

Why They Work

By focusing on intensive cardio and muscle building while prepping for his role in The Lazy One, Efron was able to gain heavy mass and shed fat efficiently. For the Neighbors workout, the goal was to build muscle on the entire body on a week-by-week basis. Biceps are expected to grow the most out of the workouts.

The Zac Efron Workout is not for anyone who wants to beef up his lower body, sure, but for people who want to look good from the waist up, these are the perfect Hollywood-worthy routines to emulate.