Becoming a Navy SEAL is no simple goal. Navy SEALs have to take on challenges that us mere mortals can barely fathom. They are expected to operate in the sea, in the air, and on land. Each of these environments exerts numerous demands on the human body. In order to withstand this, they undergo a training program so brutal that only about 20% of trainees survive the program.
If you are a guy or girl who feels they have peaked in their workout routine, are looking for a new challenge and you are positive that you have the physical and mental reserves to endure a grueling training program, then this might just be for you.
On the other hand, maybe you want to apply to be a Navy SEAL and you feel completely unprepared, or you do not have much of a workout routine and are looking for something to rapidly jolt you out of your sedentary body into a much fitter one. This routine could be good for you.
There are two categories: Category I for those who are generally inactive, and Category II for those with a pre-existing workout routine and those who have completed Category I.
Category I
This lasts 9 weeks, and it aims to build you up to accomplish the target of running 16 miles a week. You cannot advance to Category II without this.
The components of this are a physical training portion (PT), running (R) and swimming (S).
Week 1
PT: 4 sets x 15 push-ups, 4 sets x 20 sit-ups, 3 sets x 3 pull-ups, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (MWF)
R: Run 2 miles at a pace of 8:30 (MWF)
S: Swim non-stop for 15 minutes. (4 to 5 days)
Week 2
PT: 5 sets x 20 push-ups, 5 sets x 20 sit-ups, 3 sets x 3 pull-ups (MWF)
R: Run 2 miles at a pace of 8:30 (MWF)
S: Swim non-stop for 15 minutes (4 to 5 days)
Week 3
PT: 5 sets x 25 push-ups, 5 sets x 25 sit-ups, 3 sets x 4 pull-ups (MWF)
R: No running for the week
S: Swim non-stop for 20 minutes (4 to 5 days)
Week 4
PT: 5 sets x 25 push-ups, 5 sets x 25 sit-ups, 3 sets x 4 pull-ups (MWF)
R: Run 3 miles at a pace of 8:30 (MWF)
S: Swim non-stop for 20 minutes (4 to 5days)
Weeks 5 and 6
PT: 6 sets x 25 push-ups, 6 sets x 25 sit-ups,2 sets x 8 pull-ups (MWF)
R: 2 miles on Monday, 3 miles on Tuesday, 4 miles on Wednesday and 2 miles on Friday
S: Swim non-stop for 25 minutes (4 to 5 days)
Weeks 7 and 8
PT: 6 sets x 30 push-ups, 6 sets x 30 sit-ups, 2 sets x 10 pull-ups (MWF)
R: 4 miles on Monday and Tuesday, 5 miles on Wednesday and 3 miles on Friday
S: Swim non-stop for 30 minutes (4 to 5 days)
Week 9
PT: 6 sets x 30 push-ups, 6 sets x 30 sit-ups, 3 sets x 10 pull-ups
R: Same as week 7 and 8
S: Swim non-stop for 35 minutes (4 to 5 days)
Category II
Weeks 1 and 2
PT: 6 sets x 30 push-ups, 6 sets x 35 sit-ups, 3 sets x 10 pull-ups, 3 sets x 20 dips (MWF)
R: 3 miles on Monday, 5 miles on Tuesday, 4 miles on Wednesday, 5 miles on Friday, 2 miles on Saturday
S: Swim non-stop for 35 minutes (4 to 5 days)
Weeks 3 and 4
PT: 10 sets x 20 push-ups, 10 sets x 25 sit-ups, 4 sets x 10 pull-ups, 10 sets x 15 dips (MWF)
R: 4 miles on Monday, 5 miles on Tuesday, 6 miles on Wednesday, 4 miles on Friday, 3 miles on Saturday
S: Swim non-stop for 45 minutes (4 to 5 days)
Weeks 5
PT: 15 sets x 20 push-ups, 15 sets x 25 sit-ups, 4 sets x 12 pull-ups, 15 sets x 15 dips (MWF)
R: 5 miles on Monday, 5 miles on Tuesday, 6 miles on Wednesday, 4 miles on Friday, 4 miles on Saturday
S: Swim non-stop for 60 minutes (4 to 5 days)
Weeks 6 to 9
PT: 20 sets x 20 push-ups, 20 sets x 25 sit-ups, 5 sets x 12 pull-ups, 20 sets x 15 dips (MWF)
R: 5 miles on Monday, 6 miles on Tuesday, 6 miles on Wednesday, 6 miles on Friday, 4miles on Saturday
S: Swim non-stop for 75 minutes (4 to 5 days)
This program is brutal, but it builds up your power and stamina. As always, if you have a health condition or are over the age of 40 seek a medical consultant’s advice prior to starting this workout program. Also eat right and hydrate.
If you are looking for a gym that can help you build a body like a Navy Seal, then check out popular fitness centers such as Fit Body Boot Camp or Powerhouse Gym.