Propoints Weight Watchers Calculator

7 minute read | Published: April 03, 2021 | Updated: July 16, 2024

✅ Human-Crafted & Reviewed

From the old form to the new and revamped form, participants to the Weight Watchers program must seriously take note of these multiple changes.

First and foremost, it is not called Points anymore but ProPoints. The name slightly changes, and you might think that is nothing much, but it goes deeper than that. 

The second change to take note and the most that could affect your decision is the point system. The old Point value for any food might not necessarily be the same as the food value in the new ProPoint.

The old-timers of Weight Watchers must have to unlearn the past system and revert to re-learning.

Another change the organization has done is the daily allowance is increased which does not mean that one can eat more since the food value has also changed.

Change number 4 is slight on the system structure. Old system was excess, unused points for the day may be carried over to the nest day. ProPoints will not allow you that, all ProPoints must be expended on that day because you have an additional, optional 49 points spread through the week.

Fifth Change is points for food were then derived from its fat content and calories. This time fiber and protein are included.

Last Change adapted into the new system the Zero ProPoints for fruits; no deduction at all.

ProPoints is the new and improved system by Weight Watchers.