A full body analysis is the ultimate method to really get a all-inclusive picture of your overall health and physique. Though there are now scanners available for precise readings and intuitive interpretation, There are still those who use the traditional way to get results of each test.
There are also calculators online to take your particulars and come up with results albeit its accuracy might be suspect. Whatever the manner you choose to get the result, full body analysis will guide you towards achieving that healthy lifestyle.
A few of the tests done and the necessary information be inputted to arrive at a certain calculation is listed below:
- Body Mass Index (BMI) – (result)
With your age and height, this will determine what weight class you belong - Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) – (result)
This determines the amount of estimated fat inside your belly - Gender
- Age
- Height
- Weight
- Heart Rate
- Waist
- Hip
- Elbow Width
- Metabolism – (result)
- Visceral Fat – (result)
- Lean Mass – (result)
These are just a few of the results that would come up after completing the information and the test allied with Full Body Analysis. The electronic scanner, though a bit pricey, would give more detailed result.