Cristiano Ronaldo Workout

7 minute read | Published: August 01, 2017 | Updated: July 15, 2024

✅ Human-Crafted & Reviewed

Outside perhaps Lionel Messi, there’s no arguing that Cristiano Ronaldo is the biggest attraction in the soccer world. He’s considered the best player in the sport, and also among its best-looking. Millions of women around the world shriek when Ronaldo takes off his jersey. Countless of guys would want to know the details of the Cristiano Ronaldo workout so they can build a body that approximates that of Ronaldo’s.

Ronaldo is known for being a monster in the gym. He works out hard which explains why he can last hours running on the field. He says he loves to mix up his workouts, combining cardio and weight training to increase his stamina and improve his strength.

How does Ronaldo train? Here is how he works out in a week:

Below is Cristiano Ronaldo workout routine:

Workout OptionsRepetition


Pulls Ups25
Dumbbell Bench Press25
Dumbbell Lunges25
Calves Raises25
Dumbbell Chest Press25
Stiff Legged Deadlift25
Barbell Hang Cleanse25
Standing Calf Raises.25




Dumbbell Front Squats36
Decline Push Ups36
Body Weight Dips36
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press36
One Legged Lying Stability Ball Curves36
Bent Over Dumbbell Rows36
Box Jumps24
Explosive Push Ups24
Explosive Burpees24


Sport Activity20min


Calves Raises32
Dumbbell Lunges32
Stiff Legged Deadlift32
Standing Calf Raises32
Dumbbell Bench Press32


Sport Activity20min


Dumbbell Front Squats20
Decline Push Ups20
Body Weight Dips20
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press20
One Legged Lying Stability Ball Curves20
Bent Over Dumbbell Rows20
Box Jumps20
Explosive Burpees20
Explosive Push Ups20


After warming up, Ronaldo does five sets of five repetitions of pulls ups, deadlifts, and dumbbell bench press. He continues with the same number of sets and repetitions of dumbbell lunges, calves raises, dumbbell chest press, stiff legged deadlift, barbell hang cleanse, and standing calf raises.

Many guys would have quit with such a taxing workout, but Ronaldo is no ordinary guy. Hence he ends his workout by spending 30 minutes on the treadmill.

On Tuesdays, Ronaldo has to give his tired muscles some rest after the intensive weight training program. He does only 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise on this day.


Cristiano Ronaldo Workout - GymMembershipFeesBy the third day of the week, Ronaldo would shift his focus on working out his arms, shoulders, and chest. He begins the workout with two sets of 18 repetitions of dumbbell front squats, and the same number of sets and repetitions for decline push ups, body weight dips, and seated dumbbell shoulder presses.

Ronaldo continues the pace with the same number of sets and reps for the succeeding exercises—one legged lying stability ball curves and bent over dumbbell rows. He then does two sets of 12 repetitions of box jumps, explosive push ups, and explosive burpees.

Again, Ronaldo gives his muscles a chance to recuperate after the grueling workouts that he takes it slow with a cardio workout on Thursday. The said workout will run for 45 minutes followed by a sport activity for 20 minutes.


On the fifth day, Ronaldo steps up his training with four sets of eight repetitions of pull-ups. He follows the same number of sets and reps for the following exercises—deadlifts, calves raises, dumbbell lunges, stiff legged deadlift, standing calf raises, and dumbbell bench press.

On Saturdays, Ronaldo again rests his body after a grueling workout. He spends 45 minutes doing cardiovascular workout and 20 minutes doing any sport activity.


You’d think that Ronaldo would take things slow on Sundays. On the contrary, he continues to work out his body. However, he limits the sets to just two with the number of repetitions at only ten. He performs the following exercises—dumbbell front squats, decline push ups, body weight dips, seated dumbbell shoulder presses, one legged lying stability ball curves, bent over dumbbell rows, box jumps, explosive burpees and explosive push ups.

As it has been the case every single day of the week, Ronaldo will cap off his training with a 30 minute cardiovascular workout.

Training Tips

If you’ve noticed, Ronaldo puts a lot of premium on cardiovascular workouts. He says this is key for a soccer player like him as it builds up his stamina and endurance, while helping him maintain an ideal weight. He advises those trying to stay fit to allot 30 minutes of cardio sessions every day, and to increase that number as they get stronger.

Ronaldo says he tries to eat regularly. He adds that it is important to eat regularly so that he has enough fuel for his body. He also tries to eat six small meals a day.

In terms of diet, Ronaldo maintains a high protein diet. He likes to eat fish particularly the Portuguese dish called bacalhau à braz, and frequently orders steak with salad when he dines in at restaurants. He also eats a lot of fruits and vegetables and wholegrain carbs.

Hydration is also important to Ronaldo, so he drinks a lot of water. He doesn’t drink at all.

When he trains, Ronaldo always listens to hip hop and reggae music. He says music helps him zone out and get the motivation to do his best.

Before training, Ronaldo would make sure that he can get enough rest. He says he sleeps early and wakes up early, too. Enough rest gives his muscles the opportunity to recover especially after an intense workout.

Indeed, the Cristiano Ronaldo workout has made Ronaldo arguably the best soccer player on the planet. If you want to improve your cardiovascular endurance and have a body that will make girls scream, then you should imitate what Ronaldo does in the gym.