Training Like the Military

If you’re thinking about jungle and desert training, that’s not what I mean. You will still workout in the gym, but you will workout like the enemies are about to get you. You will work as if your very life depends on it. Why? Because it will be fun!

Okay, maybe not really. Because the program is going to be tough and strict and you may want to give up after the first week. But if you’re looking to challenge yourself and you’re no longer satisfied with your regular gym routine, then maybe it’s time to level up. It’s time to see how much farther you can go.

When you see military men and women in action, maybe through media or in real life, you can easily think of them as warriors or gladiators ready to fight for their lives. Not only do they have great physiques, but they have the mentality, reflexes, and skills of warriors. These days, they do not subscribe to traditional workouts anymore. They train to be the best in their fields.

If you want to train like an army ranger, prepare yourself to be challenged and to be pushed to your limit. Your training will be similar to that of a well-rounded athlete, and your trainings will focus on stability, strength, and conditioning. Remember that military jobs are extremely demanding both physically and mentally, so they always need to be in their top form; keep this in mind as you toil through your training.

What do you need to do to train like the military?

Follow this 3-week training program, with three days of military exercises each week. There should be rest days in between training, where you can do light weight training or swimming.

Week 1

  • On day one, you need to do one-minute exercises of the following: push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups. Next, run on the treadmill for about 6.0 mph for 20 minutes. You will also need to march, carrying a 30-pound rucksack for 45 minutes. If you could find a gym with a swimming pool, that would be great, because you’ll need to swim for 100 meters nonstop.
  • On day two, do three sets of push-ups and pull-ups, and run for 30 minutes. Next, march for 60 minutes, while carrying a 30-poud rucksack.
  • On day three, do three sets of push-ups and pull-ups, and run for 30 minutes. Next, march for 75 minutes, while carrying a 30-poud rucksack.

Week 2

  • On day one, march for 75 minutes, while carrying a 30-pound rucksack.
  • On day two, do three sets of push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups, and do four sets of squats. Next, run for 30 minutes.
  • On day three, march with a 35-pound rucksack for three hours.

Week 3

  • On day one, do four sets of push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups, and do four sets of squats. Next, run for 45 minutes.
  • On day two, march with a 40-pound rucksack for four hours.
  • On day three, do four sets of push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups, and do four sets of squats. Next, run for one hour.

So, do you think you can do it? Again, in between those military training days, you need to do light weight lifting at the gym. Also, when you march carrying a rucksack, you can do this on the road or on the countryside. However, this doesn’t end here.

After your three-week training, you will have to practice your fighting skills. You will need to improve your reflexes and be able to defend yourself against foes. You can enroll in a boxing gym, like 9round. Their trainers will teach you how to jab, cross, hook, and uppercut.

Boxing is an excellent full-body workout. It is an intense and cruel workout that will increase your speed, strength, and endurance. You could train using a heavy bag, but it would be better if you have a trainer or a sparring partner who can teach you the right moves and the correct body form.

If you want to take it a step further, you can try kickboxing. You could check the website of iLoveKickboxing and see what they have to offer. Aside from learning how to throw punches, you will also learn the different kinds of kicks, such as front kick, round kick, 45-degree round kick, side kick, spinning kick, and many others.

When you go to a kickboxing club, you have the option to join group lessons. The trainer and the senior members will be there to mentor you if you’re new to this contact sport. You will also have a chance to spar, which will reveal how much you have learned during the trainings. The stronger your opponent is, the better you become as a fighter, because it will teach you to practice your offence and defense moves more.

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